Support for daughters of Aging Parents
Now it is mid August and summer is passing by so quickly. So what have I been up to? Lots of good no …. great stuff. I host my website so that takes lots of my time. I have been taking courses like crazy, all to do with having an online business. Little did I know when I started this online a year ago, what it entailed. I did at least 80 lectures so very busy. I joined a couple of groups for support too. I am seeking a board of directors for the business and I have just started this process. Let me know if you or anyone you know who might be interested in having an interview with me to discuss. Make Life Happen is a registered business in Edmonton and the business # is 771948726 – 10/01/2023
I thought I might use this post to discuss just who I am and why I am here. Hold on for the ride ….
To begin. I am a Canadian and have been a resident of Canada my whole life. I was born and raised in SW Ontario. At age 49 I decided to embark on a new journey in life and I moved with my children to Edmonton, Alberta. I also spent some years in beautiful British Columbia. I now live near Edmonton and conduct my business from my laptop.
I have two sons who are adults and great community spirited gentlemen. They give back to their communities as much, or more, than their community gives to them. Oh, another member of my family is Shadow, my cat. She has a page on my website too. She is proud of it.
I have a new focus on my website. It is ‘daughters of aging parents’. Anyone can find lovely products and have life coaching appointments with me. My inspiration, education and a product page will be for seniors products. I am developing it as I write this to you but I have been thinking of this for a long time. I was a care giver, from a distance, as my parents were from SW Ontario where they lived, worked, raised a family and we celebrated their life there when they passed. Mom was 96 and my Dad was 92 Years.
In coaching the caregiver, I do know first hand, the struggles. Here are some. Guilt, shame, anger, fear, questions, support and frustration. There are family and gatherings, also memories, joy, grieving and oh so much more. For me, my visits were few and far between. Most of my visits were an hour or so a few times a week by telephone. I tried to find other ways too. My mom loved receiving letters so I would write her letters just for that reason alone.
So watch for a new page for seniors and just for fun, Shadow’s products too. Talk soon..Eva