Shadow's story

Hello, I am Shadow, Eva Shaw's friend. I am a little girl, cow-cat and I am told that name comes from a holstein cow who is white with black fur too. The holstein is a dairy cow. I am white with black spots like the cow. I also have a mask and saddle spots. I was rescued, thankfully, by the S.P.C.A. Eva saw my picture on their website and went straightaway and purchased me. I have been happy ever since. I was 3 years old then and now I am 10.5 years old. She and I have looked after each other for 7.5 years.
In November 2023 I was diagnosed with diabetes. Mom has it too. I get a pick twice a day now. Insulin. Mom tries to make it as much fun as possible and so twice a day I climb up on 'MY' foot stool. Mom sings to me, pets me, brushes me and massages my spine. I am given those tasty treats and she gives me the pick in the scruff of the neck. The needle is so fine that I seldom feel it. - Eva here. - Shadow is a great cat to give the needle to. I can't hold her and I have no one to help me, so all I can do is pull up the scruff of the neck put the heel of my hand on her head to keep her steady and in it goes and out really fast. - she never moves.
Shadow isn't quite as anxious as she used to be. She does find solace, when needed, under mom's bed where she rests in a bed that is all hers. It is her safe place. She peeks around the corner, sometimes, as she assesses safety with my visitors. I always make sure the litter is close by too. She has never had an accident. I educate my friends on what is ok and what is not. Some strangers think it is ok just to walk up and pet her with no previous notice...oh no...NOT ok.
Shadow is a talking cat. Her meows are different tones. I know what they mean but that took quite a while. When disturbed she meows and paces the floor staring at me. That usually means her food dish is empty or the litter isn't clean enough. If she feels threatened, she howls a deep throaty howl. This often happens in the vets office. Our vet and the assistants are wonderful with her but she remembers the times that office smell meant pain and toenail clipping. All necessary. She still doesn't understand that her threats don't matter because these are health necessities for her comfort and well being.
She doesn't usually hiss at me, however, she has when coming out from a nail clip. She never has tried to bite or scratch me. One day when she hissed in the vet's office, I stepped back and looked straight at her and said 'Shadow do not threaten the hand that feeds you EVER'. The vet laughed and Shadow immediately stopped. And people say cats don't understand...I believe she understands most things I say and I know she understands 19 words I use as commands. She sometimes has to be reminded however.
She does manipulate with feigning not understanding or cat! Techniques even we humans use. She may have learned from her own mother cat or from me her human example!
Now, Shadow let me know she does not want wet food. It is too much to eat when she likes dry food better. So now her only food is Science Diet prescription diet. As she stated above, I do give her Temptations treats and Greenies dental care treats. I do not use treats for good behaviour, unless in training. Treats are that, just a treat and given when I give her insulin. Remember, when training a cat it is you the owner being trained. However, I also know she is very smart too and it is a combined effort. Teaching her the commands was so much fun and continues to be as I remind her. I give her hugs when she says it is ok. Sometimes she just tolerates a hug for my benefit and makes a wrinkly nose face when it is just long enough.
I have lots of stories that she wants told and so together more pictures and words will develop here.
This is Eva and Shadow checking out for now. Reminder...go to the blog and read the summer Shadow story.